Bseisu-Universiti Malaya Scholarship
The Universiti Malaya is a top public research university located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is the oldest Malaysian institution of higher education.
The Bseisu Foundation and Universiti Malaya are collaborating to provide a Scholarship for students pursuing undergraduate studies in Geology and Engineering programmes.
This scholarship aims to financially support deserving and eligible students currently pursuing higher education at Universiti Malaya. The Foundation currently supports one student a year through this scholarship.
This scholarship will cover tuition fees for the eligible scholar.
The Bseisu-Universiti Malaya Scholarship is open to one student.
Eligible students will be:
Pursuing undergraduate studies in Engineering or Geology courses.
Students will NOT be eligible if they:
Are studying part-time, or studying a Masters or PhD course.
Are not studying an Engineering or Geology course.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia