‘’My enduring message in life is to promote a culture of high-quality drug research in my country. I envision a robust Palestinian healthcare system with local clinical practice guidelines and patented medicines, aiming to ensure and sustain the good health and well-being of Palestinians’’

Meet Amer…

Amer was born and grew up in Nablus, Palestine, and has a strong passion for clinical research. During his school years, he was thirsty for knowledge about the human body, with a passion for writing about science.

His interests predicted a future in health and research, which led him to pursue a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) degree at Al-Najah National University. During his studies, he was an active member of the Pharm.D Student Association, where he had the opportunity to coordinate three impactful initiatives: Lung Cancer Awareness Day, Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Day, and the Fasting and Health Activity.

During his work, he has gained consummate research skills, such as performing complex data analysis, choosing the appropriate research design and bio-statistical tests, and writing and editing papers intended for publishing. His focus on clinical research culminated in publishing fifty-two papers in peer-reviewed journals and supervising fifteen research projects of undergraduate students. In addition, he has participated as a speaker in five national and international conferences, presenting his research findings.

According to Scopus database rankings, he was ranked among the top ten researchers for the most published papers in 2023 at Al-Najah National University. He hopes his Masters at KCL will help him establish a strong foundation for clinical research in drug discovery, development, and use in my home country.