“I am really passionate about solving problems - which is the main reason why I choose engineering.”

Meet Zulkifli…

Zulkifli was born in Selangor, Malaysia and is studying a degree in Petroleum Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

He decided to study Petroleum Engineering because “it is a very different field of engineering and I [find it] extraordinary. I am really passionate about solving problems - which is the main reason why I choose engineering.” Zulkifli is also very happy to be studying at UTM because it is not only a top University in Malaysia but in the world too.

Zulkifli hopes to get onto the dean’s list every semester and graduate with a first class honour. In his previous semester his GPA was 3.79 and 3.81 and was on the dean’s list. Zulkifli also wants to be more active in university clubs and societies in order to gain leadership skills and knowledge about the Oil and Gas industry. In particular, he wants to become more active in the Society of Petroleum Engineering (SPE).

“My long-term goals are to work as an engineer in Oil and Gas companies such as EnQuest, Shlumberger and also PETRONAS. I also want to open my own Petrol Station in the future and contribute something to my society, for example by running a charity and helping people in need.

 I love to read about politics in order to improve my knowledge about this world and to further understand what is happening around me.”