“I wanted to join Imperial College to enter a community famed by its valuable engagement and contribution in many fields, and the reputation of its members, mainly because, though change starts with oneself, it is also upheld by the many. Pursuing a MSc at Imperial College is an opportunity with the scale to carry out my ambitions of becoming a leader in my field.”

Meet Majd…

Majd was born in Lebanon. He managed to achieve academic excellence in high school and received a scholarship that would allow him to study in France.

Following two years of intensive engineering school preparatory classes, he was admitted to Arts et Métiers ParisTech, a top-tier engineering school. Joining Arts et Métiers ParisTech was well-thought since its courses provide a great mixture of theoretical and practical engineering. In his final year, Majd completed a dual-degree with Imperial College where he was enrolled in a MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering. According to Majd, this course is taught by world-class experts and a chance to learn from the best students, all of them with a different background. Majd believes that diversity and the crossing of cultures can bring a lot to one's studies and career.

After graduation in 2021, Majd aims to kick-start an international career with the hopes of having a significant social impact. In the long run, his dream is to establish community development projects (Industry, local economy and businesses, agriculture) in Lebanon, in collaboration with the Lebanese diaspora.

“During my studies abroad, I met a significant number of high-potential Middle-Eastern students, with a strong will to bring change to their societies”.

In his free time, Majd enjoys Arabic and French poetry, oriental music and football. He has a great interest in business and organisations.